High-profile bills move through the chamber as the Session approaches its final month

The Texas 87th saw a number of high-profile bills move through the chamber as the Session quickly approached its final month. With calendars growing longer and longer each day, the House and Senate are hard at work discussing key legislation. Bills are flying across the capitol and the finish line is in sight. Constitutional Carry…

Halfway through the 87th Session there is great news for Texas

Just past the halfway mark of the 87th Legislative Session, there was great news for Texas this week as Covid-19 vaccine eligibility expansion was announced, the Senate reviewed important pandemic liability legislation, and efforts to improve the state’s power system forged ahead. Fast Facts and Figures Last week, the total number of bills reported out…

87th Legislature Update

Here we are, five days in, and already so much has happened! Masks, hand sanitizers, drones, and safety troopers were in no short supply as Dade Phelan was elected Speaker of the House, while Governor Abbott hinted at permanently establishing alcohol to-go, and the Comptroller’s Biennial Revenue Estimate hit the airwaves. And the Texas Senate…

Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee Plans to Meet

COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Services TIME & DATE:   9:30 AM, Monday, December 7, 2020 PLACE:         E1.012 (Hearing Room) CHAIR:         Senator Lois Kolkhorst The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services will meet on Monday, December 7 to hear invited testimony on the following topics: COVID-19: Examine clinical best practices, including therapeutics, for treating COVID-19 patients at…

Newsletter: November 20, 2020

Yes, it is indeed 2020!  Shutdowns galore, an unsettled election, riots and an America that is deeply divided create so much uncertainty for us all. Thank goodness for Texas! In Texas, we have electoral certainty. We have a Governor and Lt. Governor that will not face election for another two years. They are already organized…

Election News

I’d like to say – “oh what a night”.  But now it has turned into “ oh what a week!”  Everyone in America is just waiting for a true election night, that may take more time that anyone  wanted…..  That being said, the State of Texas certainly has some Definity.  What a relief!  As far…